I got home from the hospital today and I'm trying to adjust to "reality" Overall the surgery went well. It took longer than expected because when the 1st Lymph Node was tested it came out positive so the surgeon had to take out 12 additional nodes. Right breast was completely removed and my arm is totally numb. Where the nodes were removed I will have no feeling for a while...quite a while. Lifting will not be allowed so my kids are going to have a hard time with this. The results from surgery were Total Nodes: 4 positive! This Sucks! I really didn't think it had spread this much because
1. I had no No lumps
2. It was Microcalfication Cancer (usually contained in ducts) mine only spread out of ducts 5% in the breast
3. Caught it early?? So I thought. This must have been an aggressive cancer!
Right now I'm feeling sorry for myself.. Angry, mad, can't believe this is real...
But for the moment I will again focus on the positive.
1. I saved my own life!
2. I caught it somewhat early... it could have been in more of the nodes months later& I still would have had no symptom or sign
3. I'm recovering very well...I have great physical strength to do what I need.
Next Step will be to recover for 2 weeks before I see the surgeon. Then after that make appointments with oncologist to begin treatment plan. Chemo & Radiation. Sigh...sigh...
But I have an amazing support group for now. Meals are being brought in each night. My aunt and mom are taking care of the children... Even the kids basic needs are hard to do! Baths, Homework, dinner, getting them to bed... This is a lot of work and I know my aunt and mom are exhausted by the end of the night but they are so helpful. What would I do with out them? My sister picks up Drake a few times a week... My brother Matt stops by to give the boys baths and whip them in shape when they feel like running around the house stark naked! They still are boys trying to get by without mom around...Mitch is trying to juggle work and still doing whatever he can for the family without complaining at all! He is a true amazing man! I feel so disconnected right now! I miss my children....
Hospital care was great! Hospital was new so it was state of the art stuff! I had a good experience with it.... So for now I will just focus on healing and then move to the next step of this Challenge and begin to get better.
The pictures I am attaching are because I want to remember the steps of the whole procedure... Thanks for all of your positive thoughts and prayers... I feel them!
I loved getting to visit with you today! It's understandable to be in shock and it's a lot to deal with right now but you seem to be handling it all so well. Hang in there - we are all praying for you and your family and you WILL get through this!
I want to come by to visit, it is Ok to bring Chase??? Glad to hear it was only 4 nodes +, my friend Christine had 11 nodes +, so keep your chin up...glad to hear you are doing OK. Get mad when ever you want, try alittle potty mouth if you need to, don't hold it in. I will talk to you soon.
I still say: hit a few pillows (or have someone hit them for you), swear a bit if necessary then have someone dab the perspiration from your face and take a swig of your DP. It always makes me feel better.....we luv ya!
Elizabeth, I am so amazed by your spirit. I know you think you are being down but from what I read, you have a great outlook on this and an amazing determination to get better. We are all praying for you. What a wonderful support system you have! You truly are blessed. Hang in there, better days will come!
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