I'm at the half way mark! I'm happy but feel at times 3 more is so far away.
I began the morning meeting with my oncologist. We went over my chart etc, etc. He said I was doing very well and all of the side effects I'm experiencing is normal. I'm just like everyone else who has to face this battle so I knew not to complain to him... I did learn that the steroids I'm on do cause water retention and weight gain so this is why I seem puffy in the face and can't seem to put on my jeans! I decided that I will not worry anymore til this is all over because medications can do funny things to your body...
I then went into the "chemo club" sat down in a recliner and waited my turn for someone to come over check my band with my name and get my meds rolling... I have to say I got more nauseated today than I did in the past. Mitch came and had to leave at noon. So once again my good friend Erica was there to support me and help me not think about what was going on... We discussed life talked about tragedy's that our friends our going through and it made me realize ONCE AGAIN that we all have our Private struggles in life and this is why we are here so we can learn from each experience! No matter how hard it is you just have to push through....
After finishing chemo can you believe I had her stop at Dunkin Donuts so I could get a dozen for me and the kids? Somehow that sounded good to me.... So that's just what we did.
When I got home after seeing the children I was ready to lay down... I went into the guest bedroom and my mother had a candle lit with fresh clean sheets for me to lad down on... What an amazing mom! Good to be in bed and take time to post my feelings....
Thank You friends for the emails, cards, and much needed support... I feel the love I really feel it!
Yeah for the halfway mark!!!! The hat looks great on you.. so cute and sporty. I have not a Dunkin Donut in forever- I think I will go pick up myself a dozen as well!
You are AMAZING! I can't believe how strong you have been through this whole thing. You have no idea what an inspiration you are to me in my life. I love you!
You're at the top of the hill!!! Only down to go. Love the hat! Hope to see ya in a Cardinals one tomorrow. I'm glad you're not worrying about the weight.You can start again when you're energy is back. You've got more important things to put your energy towards. Besides, you're always cute. Love ya!
It's so good to hear that you're halfway! Hang in there. We love you so much!
Just remember how hitting the half way mark feels on a long run. Somehow it seems to pass so much quicker. It's always the beginning that drags on the longest. You'll be through this before you know it!
Hang in there!
PS. Donuts ARE sounding good right now...hummmmm.
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