Wednesday, November 10, 2010

2 Whole Years!

I've been thinking a lot about the day I was told I had a HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS TUMOR. I remember thinking not me. I'll just go in and have another (painful) sterotatic biopsy and it will be negative. No Worries... I'm fine... Days later the results were not what I thought and I will never forget the surgeons words.

"Your Life Will Be Put On Hold For A While"

My life has been put on hold and it will never be the same for many reasons. Good and Bad.

I consider myself cancer free for 2 years now. Not from the time I finished Chemo but from the time my breast was removed and the cancer was dug out like a pumpkin! I'm very confident that I beat this cancer thing but I'm also realistic and know that their is always a possibility of it reoccurring. It's been a long road. Hopefully only one more surgery to go and I should be done. Long hold dont you think?

The funny thing is ~I still cant believe it happened.


laurakrummenacher said...

It's so good to read this blog post today. Earlier today I attended a funeral for Brent's cousin's wife who died last week from breast cancer. She found out about it 2 years ago. I'm so glad you are doing well. You are an inspiration to me with your attitude through this whole experience. You are an amazing woman!

Bumm crew said...

I can't believe it's been that long! I agree,you are amazing. You fought hard! Your family is blessed to still have you in their lives! You inspired me to be strong through any trial. Thank you.

Lonni said...

Wow... look at all you've survived and accomplished and you haven't lost your heart or spunk. You amaze me-- I adore and admire you!
Much love,
PS- Maya is DARLING as a kitty!

Melissa and Trevor said...

I wanted to leave you a comment but no words are able to express how happy and proud of you I am.