I've been thinking a lot about the day I was told I had a HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS TUMOR. I remember thinking not me. I'll just go in and have another (painful) sterotatic biopsy and it will be negative. No Worries... I'm fine... Days later the results were not what I thought and I will never forget the surgeons words.
"Your Life Will Be Put On Hold For A While"
My life has been put on hold and it will never be the same for many reasons. Good and Bad.
I consider myself cancer free for 2 years now. Not from the time I finished Chemo but from the time my breast was removed and the cancer was dug out like a pumpkin! I'm very confident that I beat this cancer thing but I'm also realistic and know that their is always a possibility of it reoccurring. It's been a long road. Hopefully only one more surgery to go and I should be done. Long hold dont you think?
The funny thing is ~I still cant believe it happened.