Monday, October 11, 2010


THIS IS MY 1ST BORN... Ethen. He remembers the most out of all my children what I went through. He also understands what all this pink represents this month. Everywhere we go if we see pink items he always says "mom you should buy that".

Ethen is on a football team that supports the cause too! I was so happy. He even got pink socks and a pink ribbon sticker to put on his helmet. He was so proud of that.

Ethen had just been tackled so hard it knocked the wind out of him...

This is one tough kid! In AZ they start practices in Aug when its 110 degrees (dry heat) but it's still heat~ Goes everyday for 2 weeks and then MWF for 2 hours. He seriously is a natural! Really... football is his love, he plays hard and gets hit hard! I'm proud of him!

Natural athlete~

1 comment:

Kristen said...

LOVE that his team wears pink. TOO COOL!