Cancerversary 4 years! I still don't know how to feel about celebrating!!! The day that I got that dreaded phone call
"My life will be on hold for a while" crushed me into pieces.
( I was driving home with my 3 little ones in the car. I had to pull over and get my thoughts together for a minute!)
So I guess I am celebrating that I am still alive and healthy... I am still in
remission, no signs of cancer. I'm still here to be a wife & a mommy!
So with
October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month I would like to encourage my friends and family to be
aware of things that don't feel quite right either in your heart or something physically!
For me it was a feeling I had. I went with that intuition and it saved my life! So everyday I Just
Breathe and try to be happy and thankful.