Friday, May 15, 2009

Taking a BREAK!

Not the break I wanted to take but today I was told by my Radiologist that radiation was burring a hole in the breast tissue and I needed to give my skin a break! I had no idea this could happen. I noticed today that I looked real red but thought that was normal. I guess my skin just can't take it! I'm so sad I have to extend this treatment now for another week which puts me in the middle of June but it is better to stop-rest my skin and heal!

I asked myself today.... So what would you rather have? Burned, itchy skin.... or being sick and out of it? I decided to choose having the burned skin... I can handle it much more!

So next week I will rest from the radiation visit my plastic surgeon to see if the burned skin is effecting the tissue expander and enjoy the break! I'm just getting use to these set backs because nothing surprises me anymore! I will post my plastic surgeons opinion soon. Wish me luck!

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